Subscription Based Advertising Packages
Specifically for the SoCal/LA Area
Always be present in our local market on The News. We reach thousands of interested readers monthly.
Choose from three monthly AdSpace.LA subscriptions starting at only $99/mo. Automatic & custom-fit for you. Graphic design included.
Whether you’ve never touched graphic design, or you’re a hands-on marketing master, AdSpace.LA is built for businesses & non-profits of all levels…
The South Pasadena Newspaper is now in print weekly. You can choose just the right balance of web & print advertising
Get in front of 10’s of thousands of interested readers, not junk mass-traffic. National USA audience, with primary readership in South Pasadena, Pasadena Metro Area, Highland Park, Los Angeles/Arts District, Herman, El Sereno. We block random international web traffic. 99% USA readers, generating millions of page-views.
Real. Local. Business.
Real local news by local journalists with decades of institutional knowledge creating engaging content for local L.A. readers
Top banner placement typically gets over 140,000 impressions per month
Responsive, attractive news & events keep readers on pages. It works on all web-devices.
You can get actual, real ‘branded content’ news articles to go with your display ads.
A brand locals love & visit often. Typically more than 4-pages per visit.
Powerful SEO
AdSpace is powered by nexusplex in-house at our media production studio.
Our packages include options for graphics, photography, websites, & technical services.
We’re fervent about authenticity, quality, & getting it right.
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Local, yet experienced.
Our talented, expert, award winning South Pasadena staff & associates are in-house.
Our Mission Street studio is designed & equipped for production.
We are here. On the street.
Competitive advantage + institutional knowledge